What We Are Reading

From https://medium.com/user-experience-design-1/how-to-design-accessible-forms-in-10-steps-22232d65de18:

  1. Break long forms into shorter, multi-page forms
  2. Top align labels for input fields (use <label> and <input>)
  3. Use hint text, not placeholder text
  4. Use native form controls
  5. Highlight elements on focus
  6. Style and write errors correctly (use aria-invalid="true” as element attribute for screenreaders)
  7. Label related fields in a group (<fieldset>)
  8. Provide instructions
  9. Clearly identify any required fields (attributes: required, aria-required)
  10. Where possible, avoid time limits for users to complete forms

From the same author:

Design Thinking is Bullshit:

From 18F:
